QQ號:425660221 228696693 郵箱:fjcummins@
Everybody is good, I am kang move (xiamen) import and export corporation shaw grass. My unit specializes in cummins engine KTA19, KTA38, NT855, KTA50 M11, ISBE, ISLE, ISDE imports, domestic accessories,. The 2011 04-23, held in xiamen of the 69th parts in an exhibition company, is interested in the next to my an company, sit back, relax, field to many exchanges. The company address: xiamen's huli district high house all the way from the second floor cummins, QNH 1016 number that I take a taxi exhibition center about 30 yuan, the ticket to submit an expense account oh.
Have not familiar with the route, also can seek me when free guides. My phone number is 13860452426, shaw grass.
QQ number: 425660221 228696693 email : fjcummins@ MSN: fjcummins@ company website: