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Perfect///Butt fusion welding machine LDH1200 in Saemin Welding Machinery Co.,Ltd
Perfect///Butt fusion welding machine LDH1200 in Saemin Welding Machinery Co.,Ltd

Perfect///Butt fusion welding machine LDH1200 in Saemin Welding Machinery Co.,Ltd

Perfect///Butt fusion welding machine LDH1200 in Saemin Welding Machinery Co.,Ltd 相關信息由 世旼偉德(無錫)機械制造有限公司提供。如需了解更詳細的 Perfect///Butt fusion welding machine LDH1200 in Saemin Welding Machinery Co.,Ltd 的信息,請點擊 http://www.zgmflm.cn/b2b/wxsmwd123.html 查看 世旼偉德(無錫)機械制造有限公司 的詳細聯系方式。



無錫港聯利得機械制造有限公司是利得塑管焊機有限公司在國內{wy}的生產加工制造基地,擁有一支長期從事塑管熔接技術和塑管熔接設備的研究、設計是資深技術隊伍,憑借雄厚的科研實力,銳意創新的不懈追求和積極應對市場的指導思想,不斷研發高科技、高性能、高品質的塑管熱熔焊接設備。 我們研發生產的主導產品有1600mm以下全系列的熱熔對接焊機、管件熱熔對接焊機、馬鞍形熱熔對接焊機、電熱熔機以及施工用各種專用輔助工具等。產品被國內各管材、管件生產廠家、煤氣和自來水公司、專業施工單位等廣泛使用,并以其{yx}的xjb和可靠的質量贏得了國際市場的廣泛青睞。利得公司一直堅持自身的研發與創新活動來確保在同行業中的競爭優勢。 我公司總工程師為原八達股東兼技術總工麥家锜先生,他也是焊接設備的國家標準起草人之一,并具備此行業的多項專利技術。 我們堅信,通過我們不懈的努力和執著的追求,我司將成為客戶的忠實伙伴,共同發展是公司的永恒追求。
詳細信息 我也要發布信息到此頁面
sales phone:400-618-3500 from:http:/// Saemin Welding Machinery Co.,Ltd. is a Sino-Korean joint venture between Saemin Electronics Industries Corp from South Korea and Leader Plastic Pipes Welding Machine Co.,Ltd from Hongkong with manufacturing factory located in Wuxi as one of the most competitive cities in China. Apart from one of the main drafters for GB/T20674.1-2006 of Mr.Maijiaqi's join us as cheif engineer,the favourable processing advantages of Yangtze Delta and the incorporation of each other's advantaged technology enable us to focus on the breakthrough in the field of plastic pipe welding equipment and form a production,supply,sell and after-sales service one-stop sales system. Leader Plastic Pipes Welding Machine Co.,Ltd.is the first company in Hongkong in aspect of specializing in sell of plastic pipe welding equipment,owning a manufacturing factory in mainland China (Wuxi Ganglian Leader Machinery Co.,Ltd.).The favourable Hongkong trading platform and the experienced and professional R&D team in the field of the plastic pipes fusion technology and equipment make it true to export several thousands of machines to all over the world,thus having a certain visibility and credibility in the same industry.And furthermore,with the strong strength of scientific research and pursuit of innovative idea,we has kept developing high-technology, high-performance and high-quality butt fusion welding equipment so as to cart for different needs of various customers. We are convinced that our unremitting efforts and persistent pursuit will bring us a more bright future while serving world plastic pipe welding equipment industry. Saemin Welding Machinery Co.,Ltd Address:no.3 yanqiao Road,Huishan Economic Development zone,Wuxi,China Sales phone:400-618-3500 Email:sales@ Net add:
鄭重聲明:產品 【Perfect///Butt fusion welding machine LDH1200 in Saemin Welding Machinery Co.,Ltd】由 世旼偉德(無錫)機械制造有限公司 發布,版權歸原作者及其所在單位,其原創性以及文中陳述文字和內容未經(企業庫www.zgmflm.cn)證實,請讀者僅作參考,并請自行核實相關內容。若本文有侵犯到您的版權, 請你提供相關證明及申請并與我們聯系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在線投訴】,我們審核后將會盡快處理。
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