大眼豬加盟,與奇跡攜手共創神話。“工廠店”的概念源于西方發達國家,最早是歐洲的一些品牌生產工廠直接開設的門店,他們將一些mp服裝置于遠郊工廠的閑置倉庫,以cdj售賣,以便迅速回籠資金。經過各品牌企業二十幾年的運營,工廠店發生了質變――如今的工廠店不再隸屬于某一工廠,而是由眾多品牌生產企業直接供貨經營的超低賣場,位于都市商業區,有充足的商品供應和大面積銷售區域,其零售價比商業街上同類商品價格便宜很多。After twenty years of various brands on the operation, the factory shop in a qualitative change - not part of today's factory shop in a factory, but by the direct supplier of many brand manufacturers operating in the ultra-low stores, located in the city business district , a sufficient supply of goods and large sales area, the retail price of similar commercial street prices are much cheaper.