藝聯易民民族振興之寶。中國民族手工藝術源遠流長,博大精深;蘊含著人類獨特的文化記憶和民族情感,于歷史舞臺上世代相承。布藝――中國古老的民間手工藝術,歷史悠久,源于唐代,清代時走向鼎盛。距今已有1300多年的悠久歷史,布藝既有油畫的立體效果,又不失國畫寫意之感觀,成為飲譽世界的藝術名品。外發加工,聯營生產;降低成本,互惠互利;健康穩定,雙贏合作;與總部攜手,共創輝煌!鑄就中國布藝{dy}品牌!Chinese Folk Art hand long history and profound; contains the unique culture of human memory and national feelings, each other on the stage of history for generations. Cloth - the ancient Chinese folk hand-art, has a long history, from the Tang Dynasty, Qing Dynasty to its peak. Dating back more than 1300 years of history, both the painting three-dimensional fabric effects, freehand painting without losing the sense of concept, a well known art of the world famous. Outward processing, associated production; reduce costs and mutual benefit; healthy, stable and win-win cooperation; and the headquarters to create brilliant! Cast the first brand of Chinese cloth!