嘉宏潤滑油(深圳)有限公司,道達爾潤滑油授權代理商,批發道達爾Atlanta Marine 20循環油 TOTAL Msola系統油。本公司是以“薄利多銷”求生存,優質服務求信益”為經營理念。本公司謹遵“誠實守信”的原則,一直以來以“質量{dy}、服務{dy}、顧客至上、送貨快捷”為宗旨,作為公司的經營理念。可根據客戶的設備情況推薦最適合的潤滑油產品。
產品簡介:TOTAL Atlanta Marine20循環油Description:Marine oil to be used to top up the crankcase lubrication of slow speed 2 stroke crosshead Diesel engines.
Good thermal stability.
Very good anti-oxydant characteristics
Excellent anti-rust and anti-corrosive properties
Excellent capacity for water separation
Excellent capacity for insoluble separation
Good anti-wear properties
High resistance to foaming
When the viscosity and the BN of the in service system oil are higher than the warning limit, due to contamination by cylinder lubricant through the stuffing box, Atlanta Marine 20 can be used as follows
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