供應,KLUBER BARRIERTA L 25 DL,道達爾KASSILLA GMP,旺鴻達潤滑油(深圳)有限公司,KLUBER潤滑油授權代理商,熱線:0755-29675629,13662610386,詳情瀏覽: 產品介紹:道達爾KASSILLA GMP齒輪油因含有石墨和二硫化鉬具有{jj0}的抗磨性能和極壓性能,更好的油膜厚度抵抗強烈的沖擊,保護重負荷下的齒輪,防止出現微點蝕{jj0}的抗氧化安定性,使用壽命長較低的能源消耗 德國克魯勃BARRIERTA L 25 DL is a synthetic special lubricating grease based on a perfluorinated polyether oil and PTFE. BARRIERTA L 25 DL is resistant to both aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons, gaseous as well as liquid, but not to fluorinated hydrocarbon solvents. It is neutral to most plastics. BARRIERTA L 25 DL also has good resistance to water. 旺鴻達潤滑油(深圳)有限公司,{jd1}是zzy、最適合你的潤滑油公司!