AIRPRESS 15/32/68|美孚1號合成潤滑脂,深圳盛宏達潤滑油有限公司,(13316970397 0755-81713199 李小姐 )公司堅持“以質量求生存,以誠信求發展”為經營理念;并建立“以人為本,以誠信為榮”的管理方式,歡迎新老顧客前來訂購! ,深圳盛宏達潤滑油有限公司。
High performance automotive grease高性能汽車潤滑脂
Product Description產品描述
Mobil 1 Synthetic Grease is an NLGI No 2 high-performance automotive grease which combines a synthetic base fluid with a lithium complex soap thickener.美孚1號合成潤滑脂是NLGI 2號高性能汽車相結合的一個復合鋰皂基稠化劑合成基礎油的油脂。 The thickener system provides a high dropping point, while additives impart optimum extreme-pressure properties and excellent resistance to water wash, and outstanding protection against rust and corrosion.增稠劑系統提供了一個高滴點,而添加劑傳授{zj0}的極壓性能和優異的抗水沖洗,和出色的防銹和防腐蝕保護。 Mobil 1 Synthetic Grease has excellent structural stability.美孚1號合成潤滑脂,具有優異的結構穩定性。 The synthetic base oil used in Mobil 1 Synthetic Grease gives it excellent performance properties at both high and low temperatures.美孚1號合成潤滑脂在使用合成基礎油,賦予了它優良的性能,在高溫和低溫。 High structural shear stability coupled with a high performance base oil make Mobil 1 Synthetic an outstanding automotive grease.結構性高剪切穩定性與高性能基礎油,美孚1號合成一個{yx}的汽車油脂。