Kluberspeed BF42 12|全合成難燃液壓油,深圳市金中華潤滑油有限公司貨熱線聯系人:盤小姐。電話:0755-81713299,手機:13652310112。公司經營宗旨:以誠信立足,以質量取勝
Kluberspeed BF42 12|全合成難燃液壓油Kluberspeed BF42 12|全合成難燃液壓油Kluberspeed BF42 12|全合成難燃液壓油Kluberspeed BF42 12|全合成難燃液壓油
Features and Benefits特點和優點
Mobil SHC PF 462 provides dependable performance up to 240 ?C (464 ?F).美孚SHC PF 462提供了可靠的性能高達240?(464?F)。 Mobil SHC PF 462 provides excellent lubricity, corrosion resistance, thermal and oxidative stability and chemical inertness.美孚SHC PF 462提供優良的潤滑性,耐腐蝕性,熱穩定性和抗氧化性和化學惰性。
Mobil SHC PF 462 is non-flammable and highly resistant to oxidative degradation at temperatures up to 240 ?C (464 ?F).美孚SHC PF 462是不易燃,具有很高的耐氧化降解的溫度高達240?C(464?F)。 The high-temperature stability provides bottom line savings from improved reliability and reduction in grease usage and manpower through extended re-lubrication intervals高溫度穩定性提供更高的可靠性和減少油脂的使用人力資源,并通過延長潤滑間隔節省底線
Mobil SHC PF 462 is resistant to attack by chemicals and contaminants, including hydrocarbon oils, alcohols, acids, and caustic.美孚SHC PF 462耐化學品和污染物,包括碳氫油類,醇類,氨基酸,和苛性攻擊。