F-8.二路全頻設計音箱.使用一只高靈敏度的8寸低音和1寸高音.流暢線條音箱設計.箱體倒相式設計.穩固扎實.低頻在大動態輸出時層次干凈清晰.F-8音箱適用于會議室.多功能廳.酒吧會所等. F-8.two way passive system.uses 8〞× 1 high sensitivity LF drier and 1〞× 1 compress HF driver.Streamline enclosure design.Vented cabinet.steady and solid.LF arrangement is clean and clear.The F-8 is perfect for meeting room.multi-functional room.disco club.
單元: 低音 LF 8〞× 1
高音 HF 1〞× 1
覆蓋角度:90°horizontal X 50° vertical
插頭:2× NL4
尺寸:435× 299× 269mm
頻響范圍: 70hz-20khz
平均功率: 200W
峰值功率: 800W
平均聲壓: 114dB
峰值聲壓: 120dB
靈敏度: 94dB
重量: 13 kgs