MARTego No. 122001
SAFETY Cutter with automatic blade retraction system. Designed for all normal
cutting jobs, especially box-slitting. The ergonomically squeeze lever - made
out of aluminium and a soft plastic component - provides comfortable and
non-slip handling. For use by right- and lefthanders. Easy blade change: no
extra tools required. With 2-edge/4-point blade for extra economy.
安全設計獲red dot award及2010iF大獎,{bfb}刀片自動回彈功能給予使用者全面保護,人機工程學握桿式設計給予使用者更順暢的工作。刀體為防滑鋁質及軟膠制造,刀具帶刀片緊鎖開關,適合左手及右手操作者使用。
MARTego No. 92
length: 26.00 mm
Width: 18.50 mm
Material thickness: 0.40 mm
MARTego No. 192(不銹鋼材質)
length: 26.00 mm
Width: 18.50 mm
Material thickness: 0.40 mm