閉口閃點測定器技術指標: Auto-tester for flash point (Closed cup method)
性能特點:本儀器主要由數字電加熱裝置、 Character: Test the sample automatism
電動攪拌裝置、數字電壓調節裝置、電子 Heating system safely and efficiently
點火裝置、計時報訊裝置、標準油杯及供 Adjust the voltage by potentionmeter
氣裝置等組成。試樣間接加熱,攪拌器攪 Indicate the value of voltage by voltmeter
工作電源:AC220V±10% 50HZ Power supply:AC220V±10% 50HZ
控溫范圍:室溫~300℃ Temperature range of room temperature to 300℃
加熱功率:800W Heating power: 800W
加熱速度: 1~12℃/min Heating speed: 1~12℃/min
攪拌速度: 105 rpm/min Mixing speed: 105 rpm/min
外形尺寸:260×300×300(mm) Size: 260×300×300(mm)
重量:約5Kg Weight: 5Kg
LAB 141閉口閃點測定器 產品一年內質保,終身維護!貨到付款!