300*300平面/沖孔鋁天花 廣州鋁扣板 滾涂鋁天花 相關信息由 廣州市瑞櫚建材有限公司提供。如需了解更詳細的 300*300平面/沖孔鋁天花 廣州鋁扣板 滾涂鋁天花 的信息,請點擊 http://www.zgmflm.cn/b2b/ruilv168.html 查看 廣州市瑞櫚建材有限公司 的詳細聯系方式。
廣州市瑞櫚建材有限公司是一家專業從事生產、銷售室內外金屬鋁單板幕墻、鋁蜂窩板,鋁天花,鋁方通及鋁型材類吊頂的大型建材企業。 本公司在廣州和佛山都擁有自己的生產基地,現擁有先進的大型板鈑加工設備和先進的噴涂生產線,不世界知名涂料品牌供應商的長期合作成為產品品質的可靠保證,噴涂年加工能力達100萬平方米,產品至投放市場以來,深受廣大客戶的好評,并榮獲建設部頒發的多項榮譽。 “專業、{gx}、創新、服務”是瑞櫚建材的經營宗旨。“誠實做人,踏實做事”是瑞櫚建材的經營理念。始終致力于向應用領域提供高標準的建材產品以及完善的技術服務,融合國內外各種鋁板加工工藝技術,形成了先進而實用的技術體系。專業品質贏得用戶的認可,在世界享有廣泛的知名度。 本公司本著“質量為本、真誠服務、增創優勢、追求{zy1}”的宗旨,與時俱進,并希望不斷得到你的支持與建議,讓我們做得更好 Guangzhou City Rui:Building Materials Co.,Ltd. isa professiomal engaged in the production,sales of indoor and outdoor metal aluminum veneer,aluminum homeycomb panels,aluminum ceilings.corrugated board and aluminum ceiling of large building materials enterprises. The company has its own production base in Guangzhou and Foshan,now has a large advanced sheet metal processing equipment and advanced coating production line,long-term cooperation with the world famous brand suppliers become the reliable guarantee of product quality,spraying the annual processing capacity of 1000000 square meters,since the products to the market,praised by the majority of customers,and won many honors awarded by the Ministry of construction. "Professional,efficient,innovation,service"is the business purpose:building materials co.."To be honest,hard-working" is Rui:building materials business philosophy.Always committed to the application to provide a high standard of building materials products and improve technical services,integration of the domestic and foreign various aluminum processing technology,formed the technical system of advanced and practical.Professional quality to win the user's approval,enjoy widespread popularity in the industry. The company spirit of"quality oriented,sincere service,to create advantages,the pursuit of excellence"purposes,with the times,and hope to continue to support and advice from you,let us do a better job! |