Computer Controlled Class 100 Ion
Beam Etch System for up to 6” Wafer
-- PC controlled with Lab
View Software, recipe driven, pressure, fully interlocked, capable of running
automatically and recovering safely from power interruption.
--Password protected three levels of Authorization
14” Stainless Steel cube, and 8” front door with 5” window
Platen: Up to 6” substrates, two independent axis of rotation platen axis (0-90)
stepper motor driven, wafer axis (0-10RPM) HVAC stepper motor driven, water
--Wafer Load Unload: Manual, from the front door
Gun: 16cm beam diameter, 1200 eV, 650 mA ion gun, with neutralizer and a
pneumatic shutter
--Vacuum: Base Pressure 8x10-8 Torr, 1240l/sec
Pfeiffer Hipace 1200 Turbo with ISP-500C Dry Scroll pump,
--Gauges : BOC
Edwards wide range gauge, Baratron Gauge
--Flow Control: 50 sccm MKS Ar
--Pressure Control: Turbo Speed Control
--Chamber Vent: N2
Slow vent with turbo speed monitor
--Chamber Pump Down: PC Controlled,
safety interlocked
--Cabinet:26”x26”x44” Stainless Steel
--Utilities: 415VAC, 20A/Phase, 50/60Hz, Chilled Water 4 G/min at 40
Psi, 60