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~充氣跳跳動物~ 廠家直銷- 好料跳跳馬牛鹿羊龍充氣皮馬兒童玩具馬PVC跳跳馬
~充氣跳跳動物~ 廠家直銷- 好料跳跳馬牛鹿羊龍充氣皮馬兒童玩具馬PVC跳跳馬
~充氣跳跳動物~ 廠家直銷- 好料跳跳馬牛鹿羊龍充氣皮馬兒童玩具馬PVC跳跳馬
~充氣跳跳動物~ 廠家直銷- 好料跳跳馬牛鹿羊龍充氣皮馬兒童玩具馬PVC跳跳馬
~充氣跳跳動物~ 廠家直銷- 好料跳跳馬牛鹿羊龍充氣皮馬兒童玩具馬PVC跳跳馬
~充氣跳跳動物~ 廠家直銷- 好料跳跳馬牛鹿羊龍充氣皮馬兒童玩具馬PVC跳跳馬

~充氣跳跳動物~ 廠家直銷- 好料跳跳馬牛鹿羊龍充氣皮馬兒童玩具馬PVC跳跳馬

~充氣跳跳動物~ 廠家直銷- 好料跳跳馬牛鹿羊龍充氣皮馬兒童玩具馬PVC跳跳馬 相關信息由 上海晨輝文體用品有限公司提供。如需了解更詳細的 ~充氣跳跳動物~ 廠家直銷- 好料跳跳馬牛鹿羊龍充氣皮馬兒童玩具馬PVC跳跳馬 的信息,請點擊 http://www.zgmflm.cn/b2b/hellobabytoys.html 查看 上海晨輝文體用品有限公司 的詳細聯系方式。

徐麗嫵((銷售 經理) )
86 0579 85284232


上海晨輝文體用品有限公司成立于2000年. 公司分為工廠,內銷部,外貿部,店面經營等。工廠座落在塑膠玩具之都-上海奉賢; 內銷部,外貿部,店面座落在中國小商品城-浙江義烏。為滿足海外客戶要求,于2009年我們在香港注冊成立香港拓本實業有限公司。專業為海外客戶提供代理采購,倉儲,海運出貨等ytl服務。目前公司總的工作人員約有30位。 工廠專業生產各類塑膠玩具,產品包括兒童充氣跳跳馬,跳跳球,健身球,足球,籃球,排球及各類小的貼標球和am球。產品主要銷往中國各省市地區及東歐,北美洲,南美州,東南亞及中東等海外國家地區。上海晨輝文體用品有限公司憑借誠信、實力和產品質量獲得業界的認可。我們擁有14年的生產和銷售的經驗,相信公司的{yx}團隊能夠更專業的服務于海內外的客戶。歡迎各界朋友蒞臨參觀、指導和業務洽談。 Shanghai Chenhui Stationery & Sports Co., Ltd. was established in 2000. The company is divided into factory, domestic sales, foreign trade department & store directly orders. The factory is located in Modern City-Shanghai; domestic sales department, foreign trade department & store is located in the China Commodity City - Zhejiang Yiwu. In order to meet the requirements of overseas customers, in 2009 we registered in Hongkong and established the trade company –TOPPER INDUSTRIAL LIMITED. To Provide the purchasing agent, Inspecting goods, shipping etc one-step services. At present the company's total staff about 30. Factory specializing in the production of all kinds of plastic toys, Include children's inflatable jumping Animal, bouncing ball, Massage ball, decal ball, football, basketball, volleyball and all kinds of Rubber items. The products are mainly sold to various cities of China and Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Southeast Asia and the Middle East etc. other overseas countries and regions. Shanghai Chenhui Stationery Co. Ltd. by virtue of integrity, strength and quality of products recognized by the industry. We own 14 years of production and sales experience. It will be more Surperb & professional to service for all customers. Welcome all friends to visit, guidance and business negotiation.
鄭重聲明:產品 【~充氣跳跳動物~ 廠家直銷- 好料跳跳馬牛鹿羊龍充氣皮馬兒童玩具馬PVC跳跳馬】由 上海晨輝文體用品有限公司 發布,版權歸原作者及其所在單位,其原創性以及文中陳述文字和內容未經(企業庫www.zgmflm.cn)證實,請讀者僅作參考,并請自行核實相關內容。若本文有侵犯到您的版權, 請你提供相關證明及申請并與我們聯系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在線投訴】,我們審核后將會盡快處理。
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