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超級獵聘人才網 廣告
紗線繩布(Yarn Rope Fabric) 供應棉紗棉線/化纖紗線/混紡紗線/本白色/夾色
紗線繩布(Yarn Rope Fabric) 供應棉紗棉線/化纖紗線/混紡紗線/本白色/夾色

紗線繩布(Yarn Rope Fabric) 供應棉紗棉線/化纖紗線/混紡紗線/本白色/夾色

紗線繩布(Yarn Rope Fabric) 供應棉紗棉線/化纖紗線/混紡紗線/本白色/夾色 相關信息由 蒼南縣德正紡織品廠提供。如需了解更詳細的 紗線繩布(Yarn Rope Fabric) 供應棉紗棉線/化纖紗線/混紡紗線/本白色/夾色 的信息,請點擊 http://www.zgmflm.cn/b2b/cndzfz.html 查看 蒼南縣德正紡織品廠 的詳細聯系方式。

戴一芳((生產部 經理) )
86 0577 64418507


德正紡織是一家從事紡織品進出口的企業。創建于2002年,位于交通便利,經濟發達的溫州蒼南。主要開發、生產和銷售居家用品、棉紗清潔用品、棉繩寵物玩具、無紡布制品。因有嫻熟的生產工藝,嚴格的產品質量控制,優質的服務,使產品深受客戶青睞,產品遠銷歐美、非洲、東南亞等國家以及港澳臺地區。 真誠歡迎廣大客戶參觀指導,來人來電洽談業務,共同發展,共創輝煌。 Dezheng Textile is a corporation engaged in the textiles import and export. founded in 2002, located in Wenzhou,Zhejiang, China. We specializes in the exploiting, researching, manufacturing and the sale of a range of Textile and related products. We have the factories, production partners and trading partners.Our company has strong R&D power, advanced manufacturing facilities, perfect detecting system. We have bundled our core competencies into four segments: Mop product, Pet product, Textile prodcut,Bag product. - Mop product: The main products such as tweak Mops, Micro-fiber Mops, Cotton Mops, Non-Woven Mops, Window squeegees,Car Brush, selling well in North American, European, Southeast Asian, and Middle Eastern Countries. - Pet product: We specialize in dog toy,cat toy and bird toy. We welcome private label and OEM orders. - Textile: we are pursuing perfect quality and struggling the development of quality and service. The products relate to cotton, hemp, wool, silk, chemical fiber and pure & blended yarn of other new types of fiber, in 5 series and more than 100 sorts. Besides ordinary yarn, we also prodcut rope, ribbon, knitted fabric. - Bag product: We design, print and manufacture Shopping bags, travel bags, school bags, computer bags, messenger bags, toilet and cosmetic bags, beach bags, and promotional bags. We supply good quality, service and prompt delivery time to every customer. Our creative designers will keep up current fashion and trends. Welcome to cooperate with us hand in hand and create the beautiful future.
鄭重聲明:產品 【紗線繩布(Yarn Rope Fabric) 供應棉紗棉線/化纖紗線/混紡紗線/本白色/夾色】由 蒼南縣德正紡織品廠 發布,版權歸原作者及其所在單位,其原創性以及文中陳述文字和內容未經(企業庫www.zgmflm.cn)證實,請讀者僅作參考,并請自行核實相關內容。若本文有侵犯到您的版權, 請你提供相關證明及申請并與我們聯系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在線投訴】,我們審核后將會盡快處理。
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