致電陳生 137、5113、6332.Q.Q/30/22/24/564/ 網.址。w.w.w.a.a.l.o.c.t.i.t.e.c.o.m.樂泰批發樂泰3542,PUR熱熔膠樂泰3542,樂泰3543ApplicationLOCTITE 3542 can be applied from heating cartridge guns,
from usual syringe type melting equipment. At longer rest
periods, melting and application temperatures should be
decreased. Longer exposure to higher temperatures can lead
to a viscosity increase.
LOCTITE 3542 cures exclusively by moisture and gains its
final strength in 1-5 days, but exhibits high handling strength
instantly after joining.
Curing is a chemical reaction depending on the following