Arrays are the second area where suppliers can begin to differentiate their product offerings. How the LEDs are combined, the number and type of LEDs chosen, the shape of the array, the method of electrically connecting the LEDs, and even the size of the LEDs all have significant impact on the performance of the system. If built correctly, it can be a high power UV LED array. Most applications require UV LED curing systems that consist of more than one LED or LED array in order to achieve not only the desired throughput but to meet the demands for curing applications where the media can be 1‐2m wide. Therefore, a key question is if the LED array can be uniformly scaled. UV LED curing lamps can have a continuous scalable array that provides for better uniformity or a discrete array package that can be scaled, but doesn’t provide the same uniformity of output. Some LED manufacturers only sell their LEDs pre‐packaged into arrays or assemblies that they feel maximize the UV output. UV LED lamp system suppliers that purchase pre‐packaged arrays have typically made a tradeoff between faster time‐to‐market and less differentiated lamps versus a slightly longer time‐to‐market and maximizing UV power. This is an area where UV LED lamp suppliers can differentiate themselves based on the suppliers’ architecture and engineering capability where two suppliers can take the same batch of LEDs and achieve very different performance in the end product. 上海和沁光電科技有限公司公司電話:021-60523084 公司地址:上海市松江區施惠路555號2幢3樓公司網址:http:// 公司郵箱:sales@