SHV V型大風量濾網V-Mini-pleat High Capacity Filter 性能特點 Features 外框:ABS工程塑料外框,鍍鋅框或不銹鋼外框。 濾料:超細玻璃纖維;高容塵量,低阻力。 效率:(EN779:2002)H10,H13,H14 (ASHRAE 52.2:2007)MERV16,MERV17,MERV19 每個濾器經嚴格檢測。 建議最終壓損:450Pa。 耐溫度:80?C。 阻燃級別:DIN 53438 F1。 Frame:ABS plastic frame,Galvanized frame, aluminum frame, stainless steel frame. Media: Using special glass fiber filter paper as the filter material, high dust-holding capacity,low initial resistance. Efficiency:(EN779:2002)H10,H13,H14 (ASHRAE 52.2:2007)MERV16,MERV17,MERV19. Each filter is through rigorous testing. Recommended final pressure drop:450Pa. Temperature:80?C. Fire rating:DIN 53438 class F1. 應用Applications 主要用于大風量的空調凈化設備,如空調箱系統的中級過濾和終端過濾 Suitable for air conditioning and air cleaning equipment of high quantity ventilation, often used to medium filter and terminal filter in air-conditioning systems. 上海新銳過濾材料有限公司電 話:021-57677181 傳 真:021-57670798 郵 箱:82104428@ 地 址:上海市松江工業園區洞涇分區洞厙路725號3號廠房網 址:http://www.xinrui-