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博益英語 初級班強化訓練

博益英語 初級班強化訓練 相關信息由 博益英語提供。如需了解更詳細的 博益英語 初級班強化訓練 的信息,請點擊 http://www.zgmflm.cn/b2b/boyi.html 查看 博益英語 的詳細聯系方式。



您真正專業的英語語言文化教育品牌! Your Professional Authentic English Language Culture & Education Brand ! 博益英語的課程特色(Course Characteristics): 1、最易學、快速掌握的純美式發音秘訣,真正讓你擁有像美國人一樣的發音! 2、{zxj}、{gx}的語言思維速成口語訓練{wp}秘訣,真正讓你輕輕松松掌握英語語言思維! 3、最實用的句型改裝聯想操練風暴教學,真正讓你實現英語口語水平的飛速提升! 3、中國最活躍的超強學習模式———團隊互助英語操練! 徹底改變傳統枯燥煩悶的語言學習方式!徹底粉碎“聾啞英語”!讓你在最短時間內真正開口講一口發音純正的流利英文! 方法快速!模式先進!課堂活躍!學員自信! 博益英語的主要優勢(Main Advantages): 先進的速成英語口語培訓理念和方法 {gx}的“語言思維速成口語教學法”和活躍的“團隊互助英語操練模式” 真實的英語文化環境 英語俱樂部沙龍 口語大操練 英語角(高級進階課程的學員配外教) “看電影學英語” 英語報刊 成功目標的夢想激勵 英語是自信 英語是財富 英語是成功 “挖掘生命潛能,凝聚生命能量”課程 專業的教練團隊 一群持有英語專業八級的專業英語教練和經驗豐富的外教 成功的承諾 保證您達到預期的學習目標. 地址:小欖新華中路30號博益英語培訓中心(小欖鎮政府后、電腦城后側) 咨詢電話:22114688(總機) 22553031 22553032 傳真號碼:22553030 Benefit English School is one of the largest English education and training institutions in Xiaolan Town, Zhongshan City. We are the qualified foreign language education and training institute as approved by Zhongshan Education Department. We are professional in English training. Currently we are teaching students in Oral English, BEC English for adults, and we also teach children with Cambridge Children's English courses and Global English kids. Our school has good qualified teachers like: Damon Leung: Is one of the outstanding disciples of Crazy English Li Yang. He majored in English language and Chinese language education teaching profession. He is the teaching director of Benefit English School and has been providing many teaching assistance to other English school with pure American English authentic pronunciation, with a quick oral English teaching approach. Many foreign investment, joint ventures and hotels in Zhongshan have passed through his hands. Not with standing that also many thousands of students have passed his comprehensive English teaching methods with sense of humor. Nanny: is a foreigner and has worked with many famous Hong Kong and Chinese training companies. He majored in Marketing and Sales. He has also worked with many international companies and Radio Stations in South Africa. He has a lot of teaching experience in Business English, Oral English and western life culture. In addition, Benefit English School have more than 10 expert teachers majored in English language and have passed test for English Majored Grade Eight (TEM 8). Our teachers will always make you have fun in learning English. Benefit English School has trained the following companies of Europe, the United Stated in Zhongshan Industrial Co., Ltd: Zhongshan Uniross Industry Co. Ltd. Zhongshan Myrra Electronics Co. Ltd. Zhongshan Armor Industry Co. Ltd. Zhongshan Galic Industry Co. Ltd. Zhongshan Stanley Work Tool Co. Ltd. Zhongshan Denon Maranz Co. Ltd. Zhongshan Ausnow International Co. Ltd. Zhongshan Mega Hotel Zhongshan Hujing Hotel Etc.
詳細信息 我也要發布信息到此頁面
課程    初級班強化訓練
上課時間   一個月,逢周一、三、五或周二、四、六晚上730930
學習內容   針對初級班所學內容進行系統的強化訓練突破,達到{zj0}的效果
課時    24小時
每班限額   14---16
English is not that difficult, but we have been on a wrong path before!
鄭重聲明:產品 【博益英語 初級班強化訓練】由 博益英語 發布,版權歸原作者及其所在單位,其原創性以及文中陳述文字和內容未經(企業庫www.zgmflm.cn)證實,請讀者僅作參考,并請自行核實相關內容。若本文有侵犯到您的版權, 請你提供相關證明及申請并與我們聯系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在線投訴】,我們審核后將會盡快處理。
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