Airship Length (艇長) 200.00 m Envelope Volume (包絡體積) 257,979m3 Airship Height (艇高) 60.00m
Empty Weight (空洞的重量) 160,000kg
Max. Envelope Diameter (直徑)
50.00m Max. commercial loading({zg}商業加載)
L/D Ratio (升/D值)
Max. T-O Weight({zg}載重噸數) 270,000kg Length of Gondola(吊艙長度) 32.0m Max. Buoyancy ({zd0}浮力) 261,845kg Width of Gondola(吊倉寬度) 10.0m Cruising Speed (巡航速度) 120km/h Height of Gondola(吊艙高度) 3.0m Max. Endurance ({zd0}耐力)
Length of storage(存儲空間長度)
30.0m Max. Climb Rate ({zd0}爬升率) 8m/h Width of storage(存儲空間寬度)
8.0m Max. Decent Rate ({zd0}體面率) 5m/h Height of storage(存儲空間高度)
4.0m Max. Angle ({zg}角度) ±30° Ballonet Volume Ratio (氣囊體積比)
25% Max. Range ({zd0}范圍)
Max.Operation Speed Limit(VMO) ({zd0}速度限制)
142km/h Max. Operation Height ({zg}運行高度)
Model CA-3000 Combined Loading Airship
Airship Length
300.00 m Envelope Volume(包絡體積) 874,301m3 Airship Height(艇高)
92.00m Empty Weight(空洞重量) 550,000kg Max. Envelope Diameter(直徑)
75.00m Max. commercial loading({zg}商業加載)
250,000kg L/D Ratio (升/D值)
4.0 Max. T-O Weight({zg}載重噸數)

900,000kg Length of Compartment(吊艙長度)
Max. Buoyancy({zd0}浮力) 887,416kg Width of Compartment(吊艙寬度) 14.0m Cruising Speed(巡航速度) 150km/h Height of Compartment(吊艙高度) 4.0m Max. Endurance({zd0}耐力) 30h Length of cargoes warehouse(貨物倉庫的長度)
60.0m Max. Climb Rate({zd0}爬升率)
8m/h Width of cargoes warehouse(貨物倉庫的寬度)
12.0m Max. Decent Rate({zd0}體面率)
5m/h Height of cargoes warehouse(貨物倉庫的高度)
8.0m Max. Angle({zg}角度) ±30°
Ballonet Volume Ratio(氣囊體積比) 25% Max. Range ({zd0}范圍) 3,000km Max.Operation Speed Limit(VMO)({zd0}速度限制) 170km/h Max. Operation Height({zd0}飛行高度)