上海吸音裝飾防火板廠家推薦*吸音裝飾防火板供應商*石利洛供 吸音裝飾防火板的裝飾面采用防火板飾面、目前開發出條型槽孔及直穿孔兩種類型的吸音版,此類板材適用于劇院、會議室及一切有吸音需求的空間。 Sound-absorbing Decorative Fireproofing Board has fire prevention surface. We currently have developed two types of sound-absorbing boards: bar slot and straight holeboards. These boardsare suitable for installing in theatres, conference rooms and any space which require sound-absorbing function. 應用領域 Applications 性能特點 Features 規格標準 Specifications 施工節點 Installation Diagram 聯系人:陳先生 手機:18221191578、18621913753 全國熱線:64189688-811 或 4000657607 電子郵箱:roger.chen@ 聯系人:陳先生 手機:18221191578、18621913753 全國熱線:64189688-811 或 4000657607 電子郵箱:roger.chen@