新型陶鎂無機裝飾防火板系列 潔凈裝飾防火板 潔凈裝飾防火板的裝飾面可采用防火板、裝飾紙及氟碳涂層等展示不同裝飾效果,其中防火板飾面的板材具有防靜電的功效,此類板材適用于醫院公共區域、手術室、ICU、實驗室及潔凈類專業廠房 New Clean Fireproofingdecorative board can utilize fireproofingboard, decorative paper and fluorocarbon coating to show different decorative effects. Fireproofing board hasan anti-static function. This board is suitable for installing in public areas of hospitals, operation rooms, ICU, laboratories and clean facilities of factories. 應用領域 Applications 性能特點 Features 規格標準 Specifications 施工節點 Installation Diagram 聯系人:陳先生 手機:18221191578、18621913753 全國熱線:64189688-811 或 4000657607 電子郵箱:roger.chen@