洛奇品牌的由來,源自英文Rock Kids,意為擁有“自由、創新和獨立”精神的孩子,我們引進世界各地的{yx}課程,為3至12歲的孩子提供享譽全球的先進教育理念,同時結合國內美術培訓 與考試的發展方向,培養具有高度審美能力與創作能力的美學新星,為兒童美術教育樹立hybg,打造全球范圍內的藝術教育ldpp。</p><p>在洛奇自由、開放而大膽的藝術環境里,每一位孩子將充分發揮內心的藝術潛能,并通過專業老師的引導,逐步探尋美學世界的奧秘,將創作與靈感貫穿在每一次游戲與邏輯思維訓練當中,隨著基本功的進步,我們為之提供更為嚴苛的技法訓練,為孩子今后的藝術人生之旅鋪平道路。</p><p>洛奇相信,每一個孩子都是藝術家。</p><p>Luo Qi, the origin of the brand, derived from English “Rock Kids”, it means the children who are full of the spirit of "freedom, innovation and independent", we introduce excellent courses all over the world, provide the advanced education concept of the world's most prestigious for children from 3 to 12 , and combining with the development direction of domestic art training and examination, to cultivate the future artists with highly aesthetic ability and creative ability, setting up the industry benchmark for the children arts education , to build a leading brand of art education in the global range.</p><p>In the free, open and bold art environment of Luo Qi, every child will give full play to the inner potential of art, and through the guidance of professional teachers, the mysteries of the aesthetic world will be explored gradually, they will develop creation and inspiration in every game and logical thinking training, with the progress of basic skills, we offer the more rigorous training in techniques, to pave the way of the art life journey in the future for the children.</p><p>Luo Qi believes that every child is an artist</p><p>洛奇國際教育中心湖里萬達店位于萬達廣場寫字樓c2棟402,中心開設創造力涂鴉(3-6歲)、還開設德國HABA數學邏輯思維(3-10歲)、創意童畫(5-8歲)、洛奇畫室(6-12歲)等兒童藝術課程,中心每周都將安排3-12歲兒童的免費體驗課,專業的HABA授課老師將帶領孩子們開啟大腦之旅。詳情請致電萬達中心電話咨詢:5510967.