QT500-7 球墨鑄鐵件切削參數優化簡介,球墨鑄鐵以其優越的抗沖擊性、很高的抗拉強度及鑄鐵獨有的{yx}的鍛造性、耐磨性、抗疲憊性及經濟性等長處普遍運用于機械制作工業的各類零部件。本文針對公司球墨鑄鐵件切削加工中存在的成績(如進排氣管進程中發生的毛刺),經由過程無限元建模剖析和切削實驗,摸索球墨鑄鐵切削進程中切削毛刺的構成機理,并進一步摸索球墨鑄鐵的切削機能,為進步產物質量、下降切削本錢供給工藝指點。本文起首基于無限元建模,對球墨鑄鐵的銑削進程停止了仿真剖析,仿真注解球墨鑄鐵銑削進程等效應變和溫度具有類似的散布紀律。切削毛刺仿真注解,毛刺構成進程中,溫度逐步降低,毛刺的年夜小與溫度降低的連續時光相干。進一步的切削實驗注解速度和進給量對毛刺的影響較小,而切深影響較年夜。同時對球墨鑄鐵銑削加工機能停止了實驗研討。研討注解球墨鑄鐵外面粗拙度跟著銑削速度的增年夜而減小;跟著進給量和切深的增年夜而增年夜。切削速度較低時,球墨鑄鐵切屑比擬,呈屑狀。跟著切削速度的進步,切屑呈修長狀。切深與進給量較小時,切屑呈屑狀,跟著切深與進給量的進步,切屑呈修長狀。以硬質合金刀具銑削球墨鑄鐵時,其掉效情勢重要是磨粒磨損。本文研討注解 DEFORM軟件可以有用模仿球墨鑄鐵的銑削進程,基于切削進程等效應力、等效應變云圖及溫度云圖仿真剖析,可為現實切削供給根據。本文研討結果已運用于現實臨盆中,對現實切削加工參數停止了優化,克制了切削毛刺的生成,有用進步了產物質量。
Ductile iron with its superior impact resistance, high tensile strength and unique excellent cast iron, forging, wear resistance, fatigue resistance and economic advantages, such as the general use of various parts of machinery manufacturing industry. The in view of the existing company nodular cast iron parts machining results (such as the exhaust pipe occurred in the process of Burr), through the process of infinite element modeling analysis and cutting experiments, and explore the formation mechanism of the ductile cutting process in cutting burr, and further exploration of nodular cast iron cutting function, for improve the quality of products, decrease the cutting process the cost of providing advice. In this paper, based on the infinite element modeling, the milling process of the nodular cast iron is simulated, and the equivalent strain and temperature of the milling process of the ductile iron are similar. Simulation of cutting burr, burr formation process, the temperature gradually reduced, the size of the small and the temperature of the small and the temperature of the continuous time. The effect of cutting speed and feed rate on the burr is smaller, but the depth of the cut is more profound. At the same time, the experimental research on the function of the milling machine of the ductile cast iron is stopped. The research notes that the outside of the ductile cast iron decreases with the increase of the milling speed, and the increase of the feed rate and the depth of the cut. When the cutting speed is lower, the ball graphite cast iron has a short chip, which is a chip. Along with the progress of the cutting speed, the chip is slender. Cutting depth and feed rate of the chip is a chip, followed by cutting depth and feed rate of progress, chip was slender. In the hard alloy cutting tools, the failure form of the milling of ductile cast iron is important. In this paper, the DEFORM software can simulate the milling process of nodular cast iron, and the equivalent stress, equivalent stress, equivalent stress, and the simulation analysis of the temperature contours can be the basis for the real cutting. The purpose of this paper is to study the results have been applied in actual production, the reality of cutting parameters optimization and restraint of the cutting burr formation, useful progress the quality of products.