BS6853:1999 Code of practice for fire precautions in the design and construction of passenger carrying trains |
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Test Clause | Sample requirement | |
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1 Interior horizontal supine surfaces 車內水平朝上表面 |
BS 476-7或BS ISO 9239-1 | | |
附錄D 地板試驗煙霧濃度 (Flooring test) | |
附錄B測定有毒煙霧的加權總和R | |
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2 Interior vertical surfaces 車內垂直表面 |
BS 476-6 | | |
BS 476-7 | |
附錄D墻板試驗煙霧濃度(Panel Test) | |
附錄B測定有毒煙霧的加權總和R | |
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3 Interior horizontal prone surfaces 車內水平朝下表面 |
BS 476-6 | | |
BS 476-7 | |
附錄D墻板試驗煙霧濃度(Panel Test) | |
見附錄B測定有毒煙霧的加權總和R | |
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4 Exterior horizontal supine surfaces 車外水平朝上表面 |
BS 476-7或BS ISO 9239-1 | | |
附錄D 地板試驗煙霧濃度 (Flooring test) | |
附錄B測定有毒煙霧的加權總和R | |
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5 Exterior vertical surfaces 車外垂直表面 |
BS 476-7 | | |
附錄D墻板試驗煙霧濃度(Panel Test) | |
附錄B測定有毒煙霧的加權總和R |
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6 Exterior horizontal prone surfaces 車外水平朝下表面 |
BS 476-7 | | |
附錄D墻板試驗煙霧濃度(Panel Test) | |
附錄B測定有毒煙霧的加權總和R | |
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7 Interior minor use materials of mass 100 g to 500 g 體積在100g到500g的車內小區域材料 |
BS EN ISO 4589-3:1996,附錄A或BS ISO 4589-2(見注釋) | | |
附錄D 小區域試驗煙霧濃度(Small-scale Test) | |
附錄B測定有毒煙霧的加權總和R | |
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8 Exterior minor use materials of mass 400 g to 2 000 g 體積在400g到2000g的車外小區域材料 |
BS EN ISO 4589-3:1996,附錄A或BS ISO 4589-2(見注釋) | | |
附錄D 小區域試驗煙霧濃度(Small-scale Test) | |
附錄B測定有毒煙霧的加權總和R | |
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9 Seat trim 座椅裝飾 |
9 座椅裝飾-背部 Back | | |
BS 476-6 | |
BS 476-7 | |
附錄B測定有毒煙霧的加權總和R | |
9 座椅裝飾-底部 Base | | |
BS 476-7 | |
附錄B測定有毒煙霧的加權總和R | |
9 座椅裝飾-組裝 Assembly | | |
附錄D 座椅試驗(Seating test) | |
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10 Seat shell (back and base) 座椅皮(背部及底部) |
BS 476-6 | | |
BS 476-7 | |
附錄D墻板試驗煙霧濃度(Panel Test) | |
附錄B測定有毒煙霧的加權總和R | |
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11 Textiles (free standing and lying) (HS, HP and V surfaces) 紡織品(獨立豎直或平放)(水平朝上、水平朝下、及垂直表面) |
BS 5438:1989,Test 2A(15秒火焰時間) | | |
附錄D 小區域試驗煙霧濃度(Small-scale Test) | |
附錄B測定有毒煙霧的加權總和R | |
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12 Mattress 床墊 |
BS 476-7 | | |
附錄D 地板試驗煙霧濃度 (Flooring test) | |
附錄B測定有毒煙霧的加權總和R | |
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13 Interior cables 車內電纜 |
BS 4066-3 Replaced by parts 1 and 2-1 to 2-5 of BS EN 50266 in 2001 | | |
附錄D電纜試驗煙霧濃度(Cable Test) | |
附錄B測定有毒煙霧的加權總和R | |
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14 Exterior cables 車外電纜 |
BS 4066-3 Replaced by BS EN 60332-3 | | |
附錄D電纜試驗煙霧濃度(Cable Test) | |
附錄B測定有毒煙霧的加權總和R | |