具體特點Specific features
1. 雕刻路徑多種優化方式,可以最短路徑工作,大大節省時間,提高工作效率
2 大屏幕中英文液晶顯示屏,用戶可以隨意調取存貯文件,人性化操作方便
3 系統調入圖形圖像數據后,可進行簡單排版編輯(如縮放、旋轉、復制等)。
4 可以分層輸出數據,對每層可以單獨定義參數自動保存。
5 可以對圖像進行雕刻,對矢量圖進行畫線、切割和雕刻,并可以設置雕刻精度。
6 配置合力激光主板,可實現脫機、能量控制、具有分色切割和坡度雕刻的功能
7 專業開發的控制軟件,擁有自主知識版權、能實現雕刻切割的參數設置,具有包絡線切割功能,可自動生成包絡線,可隨意設置雕刻區域及其參數,進行外框切割等
1. Engraving optimal cutting path, the shortest path can work, save time ,improve efficiency
2. Chinese big-screen LCD display. users can randomly access to stored documents ,human convenient
3. System transfer graphics data, a simple layout editor (such as zooming and rotating,reproduction,etc.).
4. Output data can be layered on each floor can separate definition
Output, the output speed, laser approach (sculpture,cutting), And the definition of parameters for each automatic preservation.
5. The images can be carved ,right vector for line drawing ,cutting and engraving,sculpture and accuracy can be erected.
6. Configuration helilaser motherboard can be achieved offline ,energy control,with dichroic cutting and engraving gradient function,engraving and cutting with high precision to meet the requirements of packaging printing industry
7. Professional development of the control software ,which possess their own intellectual property rights ,to achieve the parameters set carving cutting ,cutting with envelope functions can be generated automatically envelope can be set arbitrarily envelope can be set arbitrarily carving region and its parameters,such as cutting frame.