佛山市南海康盛彩球有限公司 位于廣東 佛山市南海區,專業生產和經營彩球paintball。擁有先進的生產和檢驗設備,產品品質看齊國際{dj1}水平,以出口為主,兼營國內銷售. 目前產品規格有直徑0.68英寸和直徑0.43英寸.按品質和價格分場地級和競賽級. We are Foshan Nanhai Kang sheng Paintball Co.,Ltd, which is a joint venture company specializes in paintballs. Our manufacturing equipments and quality control equipment are imported from US and Europe. The whole production and quality control performance are of the same standard as RPS of US. Our products are mainly for export. We have 0.68 and 0.43 Caliber balls.Our paintballs are classified into field grade and tournament grade at different prices.