一、硬件主要配置 1、計算機(腦) (需方配,也可由我公司購) 2、控 驅 動 : 進口步進機驅動。 3、標機頭 導 軌: 韓國進口雙列滾珠直線導軌 機: 國產知名品機 高 頻 閥: 美國進口MAC 空氣過濾: 臺灣 二、印針 全硬質印針,振動頻率高于300次/秒,印針硬度為HRC92度,可印工件硬度小于62度。 三、印 系統由公司、研的印控系統。 a、優化的步進機算法。 b、可編輯、修印任意中英文字符、阿拉伯數字、圖形,圖形支持CAD功能。 c、標準的windows設計風格,能夠在windows XP/2000/98中運,具有友好的人機話功能,便于操人員很掌握。 d、可進VIN、流號和日的定印。 e、獨有的印針和動印系統。 f、于管理的印工件計數。 g、支持三軸同步旋轉.(選配) 四、標機工原理: 印內容輸入計算機,計算機理成數據并輸給智能控控號,智能控控印針在X-Y兩維平面內一定軌跡運動,同印針在壓縮空氣下高頻微沖擊運動,從而在工件表面印美觀的凹形標記. 五、標機本特點: 采WINDOWS操系統,編輯功能強大,易學適;可以編輯任意所需的字符和圖形;字高、字寬、字間隔,在印幅面內可調整;具備動印日和流號等功能;二維工臺采精模具鑄,直線滾動導軌,封閉、潤滑軸承,可靠性高;能在惡劣的環境下工,沒有耗材,印的標記美觀、{yj}性強;標機穩定可靠性強,動化程度高,操簡。 六、應范圍 適于鋼、銅、鐵、鋁、、塑料等各種屬和非屬銘零部件的平面及圓柱形工件進標,廣泛應于汽配件、機械設備、法蘭、設備、屬管件等領域。 七、術參數 尺寸 | 主機 寬340×深420×高640(mm) 控箱 寬380×深300×高120(mm) | 重量 | 主機 45Kg、控箱重量5Kg | 標范圍 | 170×100(可訂) | 升降高度 | 320mm | 標速度 | 50mm/s | 標深度 | 0.01—2mm(視材料硬度而定) | 針頭硬度 | HRA92 | 氣源 | 0.3-0.5Mpa | 功耗 | 400W |
| 一、One: The main configuration of hardware 1、The computer (Configured by customers themselves,or you can also purchase by our company) 2、The controller Drive: imported step-servo motor 3、the head of marking machine guide: rolling line guide import from korea electric machine: famous brand of china high frequency valve: import MAC from USA air filter: from Taiwan. 二、Two : print pin It is cemented carbide and Frequencies higher than 300 times / sec, the hardness is HRC 92 grade and less than 62 grade print. 三、Three、Printing Software The software system was developmented by ourself. A、optimal Stepping Motor B、It can edit、modify and print any of character in both chinese and english、and Arabic numerals、graphic . it is compatible with CAD software. C、Standard windows design, the sofeware can operate under windows XP/2000/98, and the sofeware have Man-machine conversation function,it easy to master by operator. D、It can print VIN、engine numbers and date E、exclusively of the pin and the automation system F、it have counter that Facilitate management G、it is support circumrotate by three axes 四、four the principle of marking machine First, write the content on computer, the computer make a date and give a sign to intelligent controller,and intelligent controller control the print pin worked in the X-Y by tracking movement, at the same time, the print pin make ballistic movement,and print prefict sing on your products. 五、five : the basic characteristics of the marking Use of the Windows operating system,it has strongly edit sofeware,and easy to study: it can edit any of character and photos , text height,Expert Tracking and Type the interval they are fully adjustable; A two-dimensional table used rolling line guide, and it is whole、sealing high reliability. It can worked in rugged environment. No supplies. It is operation easily as its sinox and its highly stability 六、Application scope It is applicable for the fields of metallic material and nonmetallic material such as Copper, iron, aluminium, alloys, plastic and so on. Widely used in automobile machinery a
鄭重聲明:產品 【洛陽氣動平面打標機廠家-天正科技】由 鄭州市天正科技發展有限公司 發布,版權歸原作者及其所在單位,其原創性以及文中陳述文字和內容未經(企業庫www.zgmflm.cn)證實,請讀者僅作參考,并請自行核實相關內容。若本文有侵犯到您的版權, 請你提供相關證明及申請并與我們聯系(qiyeku # qq.com)或 【在線投訴】,我們審核后將會盡快處理。 會員咨詢QQ群:902340051 入群驗證:企業庫會員咨詢.