GOST 12.1.044 材料火災和爆炸危險性
Fire and
explosion hazard of substances and materials. Range of indices and methods of
their determination.
(CMEA Standard 4831-84,CMEA Standard 6219-88,International Standard
ISO4589,CMEA Standard 6527-88)
GOST 12.1.044 材料火災和爆炸危險性
GOST 12.1.044 材料火災和爆炸危險性 - 前言
軌道交通領域對材料的阻燃要求更加嚴格,各國的要求也有所不同。當前{zj1}代表性的標準有歐盟-2,德標DIN5510,英標BS6853,法標NF F16-101,鐵標TB/T3237,美標NFPA130,意大利UNI CEI 11170-3,俄羅斯GOST 12.1.044-89等等。
GOST 12.1.044 材料火災和爆炸危險性- 標準概述
GOST 12.1.044-89本標準適用于基礎材料,聚合混合物,包括聚合物和復合材料等。但該標準不適用于易爆和放射性的物質。
GOST 12.1.044-89標準規定了材料的火災和爆炸危險性的指標范圍和測試方法 。
GOST 12.1.044 材料火災和爆炸危險性 - 橡膠材料(舉例)
2.1 可燃燒測試GOST 30244-94
2.14煙密度測試 GOST 12.1.044-89
2.15火焰蔓延測試 GOST 51032-9
2.16 毒性測試 GOST 12.1.044-89
C: 1,2,3,4
F: 1,2,3,4
S: 1,2,3,4
T: 1,2,3,4
GOST 12.1.044 材料火災和爆炸危險性 - 測試參考
2.1 Combustibility
2.2 Flash point
2.3 Ignition point
2.4 Self-ignition point
2.5 Concentration limits of flame spreading
2.6 Temperature limits of flame spreading
2.7 Smoldering point
2.8 Conditions of thermal Self-ignition
2.9 Minimum ignition energy
2.10 Oxygen index
2.11 Ability to explode and burn upon interaction with water, air oxygen
and etc
2.12 Normal speed of flame spreading
2.13 Burn-up speed
2.14 Fume evolution coefficient
2.15 Index of flame spreading
2.16 Toxicity indicator of combustion products of polymeric materials
2.17 Minimum retarding concentration of a retarder
2.17 Minimum explosive
2.18 Minimum explosive content of oxygen
2.19 Maximum explosion pressure
2.20 Rate of explosion pressure rise
GOST 30402-96 Rate inflammability of construction materials
GOST 30402-96 建筑材料的燃燒速率測試
GOST Р 51032-97 Test Method for floor and roof coverings against flame
GOST Р 51032-97 鋪地和屋頂材料的火焰蔓延測試
GOST 30244-94 Combustibility test of construction materials
GOST 30244-94 建筑材料可燃性測試
GOST 12.1.044-89 Determine toxicity indices of polymeric materials’
combustion products
GOST 12.1.044-89 聚合物材料燃燒產物的毒性指數測試
GOST 27484-87 / GOST 28779-90 Electric insulating materials and electrical
equipment with a needle-shaped flame torch and a Bunsen burner
GOST 27484-87 / GOST 28779-90 電絕緣材料和電氣設備測試
GOST Р МЭК 60332-3-10-2005 Test cables of bunch group laying against flame
GOST Р МЭК 60332-3-10-2005 電線電纜成束燃燒測試
GOST Р МЭК 332-1-96 Test a single rise cable against flame non-spread
GOST Р МЭК 332-1-96 電線電纜單根燃燒測試
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