3M C-Kynar Tubing
銷售熱線: 020-61136121 http:// 聯系人:曾先生 13922715087 工作QQ:108272601
Modified Thin Wall Flexible PVDF Tubing
Preliminary Datasheet
Product Description Shrink Ratio
3MTM C-Kynar is flexible heat shrinkable C-Kynar Tubing has a 2:1 shrink ratio. When freely
polyvinylidence fluoride tubing. C-Kynar is excellent recovered, the tubing will shrink to 50% of its original
flame retardant and high temperature resistance. diameter. The recovered wall thickness of the tubing is
C-Kynar is rated for operation at -55oC to 150oC. proportional to the degree of recovery.
Typical Applications Standard Colors
C-Kynar can offer superb abrasion and cut-through Standard color: Clear, Black.
resistance, chemical and solvent resistant properties.
It can reliably protect solder joints, terminals and wire Standard Packaging
splices. The clear appearance makes it easily to inspect Large spools.
the mark on protected harness Cut piece is available base on special request.