山楂提取物為薔薇科山楂屬植物山里紅Crataegus Pinnatifida Bge.VarMajor N.E.Br或山楂Crataegus Pinnatifida Bge.的干燥葉經加工而成的提取物。主要成分有牡荊素鼠李糖苷,金絲桃苷和低前聚氰定等。具有降壓,增加冠脈流量,降血脂,強心,抗心率不齊等藥理作用。
The total flavonoids from hawthorn leaves are extracted from dried leaves of Crataegus Pinnatifida Bge. Var Major n.e.Br. or Crataegus pinnatifida Bge , two plants of hawthorn genus, rose family. Its major ingredients are vitexin rhamnoside. Hyperin and oligomeric procyanidins. Pharmacologic ally it can lower blood pressure, increase blood flow of coronary artery,decrease lipids in blood, benefit heart and treat arrhythmias.
1. 增強心肌耐缺氧能力,具有抗心肌梗塞作用。
2. 擴張冠狀動脈,改善心臟活力
3. 降低血脂,血壓,降低腦血管阻力
4. 抗心率失常,對室性及房性早搏作用較明顯,對房顫不明顯。
5. 能明顯抑制膠原誘導的血小板聚集作用。
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