蘇州捷寧模塑長期-現貨銷售,PVDF棒,PVDF板,PCTFE棒,I37-7I85-3682 .FEP(聚全氟乙丙烯)具有自潤滑性優良、電荷絕緣性優異、耐高溫,阻燃、耐輻射等特點。PVDF(聚偏氟乙烯)在氟塑料中具有最強韌性、低摩擦系數、耐腐蝕性強、耐老化性、耐氣候,耐輻照性能好等特點。PFA(可溶性聚四氟乙烯)耐熱、耐寒、化學穩定性、機械性、絕緣性、自潤滑性、耐折性、耐開裂性優異。ETFE(乙烯、四氟乙烯共聚物)的電化學特性和FEP相同,但具有更優異的機械特性。FEP has the self lubrication finely, the electric charge insulating property is outstanding and thermostable, being flame-resistant, bears the radiation and other characteristics.PVDF has strong toughness, the low friction coefficient, the strong inoxidizability, bears the old chemical property, to bear the climate, bears the exposure performance and other characteristics. Scope: Can be used in each kind of against acid and alkali corrosion preventing, Wear-resisting injection molding , the electric wire ,electric cable, the protective covering, the mold pressing inside lining