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Basic style of common formwork

作者:Zhongshan Jiangning Mechanical Mould CO,.LTD 來源:jiangningjx 發布時間:2019-02-25 瀏覽:382
Basic style of common formwork

At present, the application of mold involves every product (such as automobile, aerospace, daily necessities, electrical communication, medical equipment, etc.). As long as it is a large number of products, mold production will be applied, and the mold base is an inseparable part of the mold. At present, the precision requirements of the formwork will be determined according to the product requirements according to different levels, and the appropriate supply will be provided to meet the different needs of various customers.

The mold base is a semi-finished product of the mold, which is composed of various steel plate fitting parts, and can be said to be the skeleton of the whole mold. Since the mold formwork is basically at a relatively high temperature during use, the formwork must have a certain high temperature resistance and can withstand a certain pressure.

The processing involved in the mold base and the mold is very different. The mold manufacturer will choose to order the mold base from the mold base manufacturer, and take advantage of the production advantages of both sides to improve the overall production quality and efficiency. The steel used in the mold base will also be used. There are strict requirements to ensure the overall performance of the formwork.

1. The steel used in the mold base must be properly polished to make its surface smoother. The impurities in the steel should not be too much. There will be no pitting and orange peel in the polishing. Wait.

2. The cutting process will have a long-term influence on the performance of the mold formwork. In order to make the cutting tool can be used for a long time, to ensure good cutting performance and reduce roughness, it is necessary to use suitable steel in the mold formwork.

3. The mold base needs to be heat treated to increase its hardness and ensure a thicker stiffness. Because the mold is subjected to large pressure and friction during use, it is necessary to ensure the accuracy and stability of the mold shape and size to ensure that the mold frame can be used for a longer period of time. The impact on the wear resistance of the mold formwork is greatly affected by the chemical composition of the steel and the hardness of the heat treatment. Therefore, when the hardness of the mold form is increased, it will have better wear resistance. .

鄭重聲明:資訊 【Basic style of common formwork】由 Zhongshan Jiangning Mechanical Mould CO,.LTD 發布,版權歸原作者及其所在單位,其原創性以及文中陳述文字和內容未經(企業庫www.zgmflm.cn)證實,請讀者僅作參考,并請自行核實相關內容。若本文有侵犯到您的版權, 請你提供相關證明及申請并與我們聯系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在線投訴】,我們審核后將會盡快處理。
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