Gift handbags are classified according to their thickness. They are characterized by high fastness and lowest interest. They are generally used to store ordinary goods. In addition to red kraft paper, high-grade handbags generally have a darker background. Therefore, it is more suitable to print dark text and lines, and also to plan some color blocks with strong contrast. Kraft paper handbags are generally not covered with film, a kind of handbag with the lowest cost. There may be hundreds of different types of handbag printing, with different shapes and shapes, and their functional effects, appearance and content have their own advantages.
From the perspective of packaging and printing profession, handbag printing varieties are sorted out, and gifts are also kept when giving gifts; many fashionable and avant-garde Westerners use handbags as bags products, attach importance to the promotion of advertising, through graphic concepts, symbol recognition, text description, color comfort, arouse the attention of consumers, and then produce cordiality, promote products. Sell out. Advertising handbags occupy a large part of handbags and constitute the main body of handbags. It can match other dresses, so it is more and more popular with young people. Handbags are also known as handbags, handbags and so on.