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What features to consider for a playpen?

作者:Zhongshan City Bellers Daily Products Co.,Ltd 來源:enbls 發布時間:2020-04-21 瀏覽:805
What features to consider for a playpen?

There are some key features you need to know when you're looking for a portable playpen for your baby. 

Easy to Assemble

You don't want the assembly to be a hassle, especially if you're dealing with a cranky baby. The playpen opens in seconds with its easy pop-open design, is easy for use in your home or when you are away.

Washable Fabric Cover

If the fabric cover of the playpen is removable and washable, when your child has a little bit too much fun during snack time, it won't be a big headache to clean up.

Side Door Access

If your baby is going to spend a lot of time in their playpen, it's important that it has a comfortable, soft and safe padded mattress at the bottom.

Comfortable Bottom

The side door design facilitates your baby going in and out of the playpen, and also allows you to easily soothe or play with your baby.

Breathable Visible Mesh

The breathable mesh side design allows you to keep a close eye on your baby while they play.

Portable Carry Bag

With a carry bag, you can bring your child wherever you want to go. For a date in the park, you can simply fold up the playpen and place your child out in nature within a safe play space.

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