防護服 防護面罩魔術貼
在工作及生活環境中,我們都有機會接觸到一些懸浮在空氣中或包含在飛沫或噴霧里的有害粒子,有些工作者由于他們的工作環境是經常接觸到有害的粒子,例如醫護人員面對病人呼吸道及口腔噴出來的飛沫,牙科醫生在zl病人過程中把口腔唾液及磨成粉末的牙質變成噴霧飛出,噴漆工人工作在滿布油漆噴霧的環境中,清潔工人面對著飄漂的塵埃,市民在日常生活中面對空氣的污染及大風刮起的浮塵,在家居生活時煮食及燒烤過程中會釋出油煙,這些粒子與皮膚表面接觸及被吸入呼吸系統后會對人體造成傷害,在這些情況下,在防護用具上使用余利用佩戴方便,的功能應用便利用于這些產品上,它是一種連接輔分公母兩面,一面是細小柔軟的纖維另一面是較硬的像小毛抓的東西。一下就貼在一起了。在受到一定的拉力下,富有彈性的勾被拉直,從絨圈上松膠而打開,然后又恢復原有的勾型,如此反復開合可達一萬次之多,廣泛應用于各類物品經常開合或扣合的位置,但傳統的都只能采用車縫的辦法固定于產品或物件上, 我們要配戴適當的保護用具,例如保護衣,袍,口罩,眼罩及帽子,頭面及頸部包括眼睛,口及呼吸道,一般不會被衣物蓋著,在受到污染的情況下,一般所用的保護方法是配戴帽子,口罩,眼罩及面罩。
Protective clothing protective mask
In the working and living environment, we all have the opportunity to come into contact with some harmful particles suspended in the air or contained in droplets or sprays. Some workers are often exposed to harmful particles because of their working environment, such as medical personnel. For the droplets sprayed from the patient's respiratory tract and oral cavity, the dentist turns the saliva and the powdered dentin into a spray during the treatment of the patient. The sprayer works in an environment full of paint sprays, and the cleaner With drifting dust, people face air pollution and floating dust caused by strong winds in their daily lives. During cooking and grilling at home, oil fumes are released. These particles come into contact with the skin surface and are inhaled into the respiratory system. It will cause harm to the human body. In these cases, the use of Velcro Velcro on the protective equipment is convenient for wearing. The functional application of Velcro is convenient for these products. On both sides, one side is small and soft fiber, and the other side is harder, something like a small hair. It will be posted together in one click. Under a certain tension, the elastic hook is straightened, loosened from the loop and opened, and then restored to the original hook shape, so the repeated opening and closing can be as many as ten thousand times, and the hook and loop fastener is widely used All kinds of items are often opened or closed, but traditional hook-and-loop fasteners can only be fixed to products or objects by sewing. We must wear appropriate protective equipment, such as protective clothing, gowns, masks, Eye masks and hats, head, face and neck including eyes, mouth and respiratory tract are generally not covered by clothing. In the case of contamination, the general protection method is to wear hats, masks, eye masks and face masks.
In addition, atypical pneumonia is a highly contagious and devastating infectious disease. Since it was first discovered in November 2002, medical staff have become the primary patient, leading to a high incidence of medical staff. Initially, it may be due to this infectious disease I did n’t know enough about it, and I did n’t take proper protective measures. Afterwards, I learned about the method of virus transmission and the way of infection. If adequate preventive measures are taken, atypical pneumonia is a preventable infection. There are still many cases of medical personnel contracting the disease. The reasons are many. The lack of awareness of the prevention and operation of the medical personnel, the lack of protective equipment and the poor effect are all causes of serious infections. According to foreign experience (such as Toronto, Canada), even if medical staff take adequate preventive measures, they continue to be infected. The transmission route and medium of atypical pneumonia are transmitted through droplets and contact with virus-contaminated objects, and enter the human infection from the respiratory tract and orbital mucosa. Therefore, the commonly used protective equipment against atypical pneumonia infections are masks, eye masks, masks and protection clothes. None of these protective products can completely close the head, face and neck tissue where the infection channel is located. Masks and masks are often mismatched and shifted, so that these protective products cannot play an absolute and efficient role in isolation and prevention. When performing treatment procedures such as aspiration of respiratory secretions or intubation for patients, there is a possibility that the droplets of extremely high virus content sprayed by the patients may contaminate the uncovered face and neck skin surface. With enough protective measures, after taking off the protective equipment, wipe the neck or facial skin with your fingers without precautions, and then touch the nose, mouth and eyes, so that the virus will enter the body inadvertently and cause infection This may explain why medical staff have been continuously infected despite proper preventive measures. Furthermore, the existing high-level protective equipment is like a helmet for astronauts, although the entire head can be covered, the price is very high expensive.