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Do you know the installation height of fire emergency lights?

作者:Zhizhuo Optoelectronics Technology Co.,Ltd 來源:gdzhizhuo 發布時間:2020-04-29 瀏覽:911
Do you know the installation height of fire emergency lights?

    Fire emergency lights are generally installed in the public places of the corridor and fire door, fire safety professional equipment. Many fire emergency lamps on the sales market are manufactured by fire safety units of fire safety units, with a variety of functions, but the role of most of the reduced. When the fire emergency lights are off, when there is a call, the fire emergency lights will automatically on and off. Fire emergency lights as backup lighting. The battery is equipped with a battery that provides electricity in case of a power outage and recharges the battery when it is powered on.

    1. Battery charging is not successful because the rechargeable battery is often in the shallow positive charge and shallow charge, battery power is not enough or failure, be sure to replace the battery. When the battery charging power circuit Q2 to the battery charging, the current is very large and very easy to destroy.

    2. If there is no ac power supply, the main power indicator d14 is not on. The common fault is the transformer is connected for a long time.

What are the requirements for the location of fire emergency lights:

    1. Fire emergency lamp and safety evacuation indicator must have two power supplies: normal power supply and emergency standby power supply. The emergency standby power supply is usually self-powered and battery-powered, and the continuous power supply time should not be less than 200 minutes when using the battery.

    2. Emergency lighting and safety lights shall be at least 0.5 lx to fully illuminate sidewalks, staircases and other evacuation routes. The fire control room, the fire pump room, the independent power plant and the parts that still need to be kept in the fire should be equipped with general lighting.

    3. The safety evacuation sign shall be located at the top of the exit door or the corner of the escape passage wall and 1m below, and the distance between the signs shall not exceed 20m. Fire emergency lights and safety evacuation lights must be equipped with protective covers made of glass and other non-combustible materials.

    4. Emergency lights for fire escape must be located on the wall or ceiling (fire emergency lights with double ends, fire emergency ceiling lights, fire emergency lights/spotlights, etc.). Fire emergency lighting is located on both sides of the fire escape or fire exit, 2.2 meters away from the top of the stairs or the top of the stairs. Long evacuation routes should follow the fire. According to the department's instruction or the actual use of the site of emergency lighting intensity, improve the light density and reasonable installation.

    5. The installation distance of emergency escape indicator or fire exit indicator shall not exceed 20 meters. The installation specifications, installation height and lamp density of fire exit indicator shall conform to the actual installation environment and the actual installation and use of emergency lights.

鄭重聲明:資訊 【Do you know the installation height of fire emergency lights?】由 Zhizhuo Optoelectronics Technology Co.,Ltd 發布,版權歸原作者及其所在單位,其原創性以及文中陳述文字和內容未經(企業庫www.zgmflm.cn)證實,請讀者僅作參考,并請自行核實相關內容。若本文有侵犯到您的版權, 請你提供相關證明及申請并與我們聯系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在線投訴】,我們審核后將會盡快處理。
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