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How to operate led aging rack?

作者:Zhongshan Tianhong Conveyor Equipment Co., Ltd. 來源:zstianhong 發布時間:2020-07-11 瀏覽:909
How to operate led aging rack?

    LED automotive lamp aging rack is a kind of high temperature and harsh environment test equipment for high-performance electronic products. It is an important experimental equipment to improve product stability and reliability, and an important production process for manufacturers to improve product quality and competitiveness.

    1. Check whether the power distribution cabinet is abnormal and whether the voltage is about 380V;

    2. Check the temperature rise, observe the temperature indicator, the maximum temperature is 70 ℃, set to 60 ℃, the indicator lights turn on in turn;

    3. The boards waiting for aging shall be placed on the aging rack of LED automobile lamps, and the boards shall not be too close to prevent short circuit failure;

    4. After putting the aging rack of LED automobile lamp in order, plug in the power supply and start to power on aging;

    5. Observe the boards to be aged and turn on the power supply after confirming that the wiring is normal;

    6. Record the temperature after heating for 8 hours;

    7. After aging, turn off the power supply of the heater with the remote control, and then cut off the switches in turn;

    8. Switch on the air switch of the power distribution cabinet, and the power distribution cabinet is electrified;

    9. Turn on the heat supply fan, and the corresponding voltage indicator light will be on. Adjust the appropriate heat to avoid excessive heat.

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