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How to measure the dimensions of the door

作者:Zhongshan Hamdsome hardware Co., Ltd 來源:haishimanen 發布時間:2022-04-18 瀏覽:312
How to measure the dimensions of the door

1. Single open door (the first door into your own living room) dimensions and specifications
Generally, it is about 850-1000mm. It is the gate after all, width is a bit atmospheric, the feeling that gives a person is more easy and decent.

2, son and mother door (a large and a small door) size specifications
The general total width is about 1050-1200mm, the child door is about 300MM, the rest to the mother door. Such handling of large furniture, can facilitate access.

3, bedroom door size specifications
The door of general bedroom, basically be in 750-800mm or so, of course the volume of some people is more burly, or is north, foreigner, consider width is 800-850, this is more humane design.

4. Kitchen door dimensions and specifications
General kitchen door is sliding door more, this can single push, also can double push pull. The total width of the door ranges from 1400-1800-2000MM, all within the permissible range. Instead, it needs to be divided from your actual space.
If it is a single open, you can consider 700-800mm width to design. Because refrigerator, home appliances, some size width has been in 600MM. It's harder to put it in if it's small.

5, bathroom door (toilet door) size specifications
The door of this place can be narrowed a little bit, after all, there is only one person in and out, right? Most are designed to be 550-600mm wide.

Measuring method for room door dimensions
1, international measure door method: that is, standing at 2000 mm from the door, with eyes visual inspection, left and right wall and top wall of verticality, width, height (considering the floor height) to narrow prevail, thickness to wide prevail, respectively with international tape measure data.

2, Chinese measure door method: that is, first use China's standard 5-meter tape measure width (upper, middle and lower three points), and then measure height (left, middle and right three points), and then take the above width and height value as the target size. Finally measure the wall thickness, respectively measure the thickness of the left and right walls and the top walls, take the large value as the target size, measure the relevant data (width error standard 40mm, height error standard 30mm, (the same household or the same floor unified width and height).

1, door measurement
The width of the doorway: measure the distance between the left and right of the doorway horizontally, select more than five measuring points for measurement, and the minimum value (minus the allowance for adjusting the door frame) is the epitaxial width size of the door frame:
The height of the door: vertically measure the distance between the upper and lower sides of the door, and select more than three measuring points for measurement, among which the minimum value (minus the allowance for adjusting the door frame) is the denoted size of the door frame: (Note: attention should be paid to the ground treatment during the measurement, and the thickness of the ground decoration materials should be reserved for the required)
Wall thickness of doorway: measure the wall thickness horizontally and select more than five measuring points for measurement, where the value is the wall thickness. If the wall needs to be decorated, the wall thickness of doorway needs to be supplemented with the thickness of decoration materials.

2, the measurement of the door
Door fan = empty in door frame - reserved gap
Width of door: horizontal measurement of the empty distance in the door frame, select more than five measuring points for measurement, of which the minimum value is (minus reserved gap) is the width of the door.

Height of the door fan: vertically measure the empty distance inside the door frame and select more than three measuring points for measurement, among which the minimum value (minus the reserved gap) is the height of the door fan. Note: In the measurement process, attention should be paid to the ground treatment and appropriate size should be reserved in case of need. Door height < door height (difference 5-10mm).

The standard thickness of the door fan is 40mm and 50mm, and the door frame should cooperate with each other.

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