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What problems should be paid attention to in stainless steel stamping?

作者:Foshan Pengxingzhi Metal Products Co., Ltd. 來源:pxzhardware 發布時間:2023-02-09 瀏覽:80
What problems should be paid attention to in stainless steel stamping?

In the use of stamping materials, stainless steel materials are mostly used.
What should we know in advance about stainless steel stamping?
In order to avoid unnecessary situations?
When stamping stainless steel, we need to pay attention to: stainless steel material springback deformation, stainless steel material will springback after stretch forming, because stainless steel has high hardness and large material springback, when designing the forming die, it is necessary to predict the springback value of the good material to minimize the size problems caused by material springback.
In the problem of heat treatment, many stainless steel stamping and drawing parts have higher hardness requirements, but because the harder the material is, the more difficult it is to draw, sometimes it is necessary to carry out heat treatment after forming to meet the hardness requirements, but the stamping parts after heat treatment are easy to deform, so the amount of deformation should be taken into account in the die design.
Tool selection: stainless steel has high hardness, and the loss to the tool edge of the mold will be relatively large, so the tool selection needs to be made according to the hardness of stainless steel material.
Selection of stainless steel stamping oil: the selection of stamping oil should be cautious, suitable stainless steel stamping drawing oil must contain sulfur and chlorine compound additives, which can prevent stamping parts from hardening, deformation, burr, cracking and so on.
In order to make the stamping parts easy to clean, we can choose low viscosity stamping drawing oil.
In stainless steel stamping, there may also be scratches on the appearance, rupture of stamping parts, problems with materials in the die, and so on.

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