Touch China 2014 第七屆國際觸摸屏技術暨設備(深圳)展覽會
2014年6月9日-11日 深圳會展中心
Touch China 2014 第七屆國際觸摸屏技術暨設備(深圳)展覽會將聯合日韓中(臺)四地攜手合作, 共同打造全球觸摸行業gd論壇暨展覽。讓業界更多了解全球市場的{zx1}動態,為推動觸摸屏行業在中國之發展與提升作出積極貢獻!
Touch China 2014由CCIA、日經BP社、中瑞會展于2014年6月9日-11日在深圳會展中心聯合舉辦,展覽面積40000平方米.,展位數量1300個。主辦方與海內外30多行業協會、50多家行業媒體深度合作. 邀請來自日本、韓國、臺灣、歐美的全球平板產業重要人士云集. 2014年將吸引45000人前來觀展.
誠摯歡迎您成為Touch China 2014的{dj0}高管嘉賓、{dj0}參展商、贊助商或主題演講嘉賓.
Touch China 2014 7th Intl Touch-Screen Tech & Equipment Exhibition, quartet cooperation among China, Japan ,South Korea and Taiwan.
Touch China 2014 will be held on June 9-11 ,2014 in Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center, the exhibition area of 40,000 square meters. More than 30 industry associations, deep cooperation with more than 50 media industry. Invited VIPs from Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Europe and the United States,etc….2014 will attract 45,000 people came to the show.
Touch China 2013的展覽面積達到20,000平方米,266家參展商,展位數723個,來自20個國家和地區的企業展示{zx1}產品和技術。在3天的展期內,共計吸引了來自15個國家和地區的39,840名專業觀眾。以TPK、歐菲光、敦泰、信利、天馬微、南玻、龍福觸控、應用材料、FUK、康寧、3M、日產化學、DNK、Santec、MCK、新柯隆、綜研化學、恒基等觸控行業代表企業參加及演講.展會同期舉辦了多場國際峰會及技術論壇.提升了展會的國際地位.
Touch China 2013,exhibition area of 20,000 square meters, 266 exhibitors, booth number panies from 20 different countries showing the latest products and technologies. In exhibition period, attracted 39,840 professional visitors from 15 countries.
TPK, Ophelia light, Duntai, Truly, Tianma Microelectronics, CSG, Ronfaut touch, Applied Materials, FUK, Corning, 3M, Nissan Chemical, DNK, Santec, MCK, new Colon, Soken Chemical, Henderson and other touch controlled enterprises as representatives to participate in the exhibion and make speeches. Concurrent events include a number of international summits and technical forums to enhance the exhibiton's international status.
Touch China 2014同期活動:
》國際峰會/International Summit
2014第二屆全球智能觸控產業高峰論壇/2014 Global Smart Touch Industry Forum》專題論壇/Theme Forum
聯合日本BP社.韓國顯示協會.臺灣DIGITIMES 舉辦技術專場論壇/Cooperate with Japan
Nikkei BP , Korea Displayed Association. Taiwan DIGITIMES to hold a technical Forum.
》一對一商務洽談/Business Talk
邀請智能終端與觸控企業與代表廠商一對一(貴賓室)商務洽談/ Business matchmaking
between Chinese and oversea enterprises in Smart terminals and touch-commerce
》頒獎典禮/Award Ceremony
2014第二屆觸摸屏行業{zj1}影響力sd評選: 將“品質 創新 影響力”作為活動主題,致力為 樹立行業品牌形象及知名度,推動行業gd資源互動合作;弘揚表彰那些為觸控產業發展作出重大貢獻的人物,具有重大影響力和行業推動力的企業。sd評選活動聯合行業協會、zm專家及zm大眾及財經媒體,深入報道企業創新資訊,促進技術和資本的結合,引爆產業新商機!
》酒會/Cocktail Party
Touch china 2014 VIP 晚宴交流會:500位行業精英參加/Touch china 2014 VIP Dinner Seminar
如欲了解更多Touch China 2014展相關資料,請來電咨詢:
TEL: +86-755-82969302 FAX: +86-755-82968768
Mobile: +86-13667039918 聯系人:肖婷 Tina