廣州市聯特電子科技有限公司是集研發、生產、銷售為一體的高科技企業,致力于家電控制器,、空氣凈化器及工業控制器的開發和生產,為廣大客戶提供軟、硬件配套服務,是最早開發、生產電壓力鍋,電磁爐的控制器廠家之一。 廣州市聯特電子科技有限公司產品覆蓋整個珠江三角洲地區,并不斷向長江三角洲地區延伸。 廣州市聯特電科技有限公司奉行以人為本、技術創新,強強聯合、高速發展的經營理念,為顧客提供{yl}的產品,{yl}的服務。 Guangzhou landjet electric Co.,Ltd is committed to the research and production of home appliance controllers or industrial controllers.our main products include: lnduction Cooker Controller、Rice Cooker Controller、Electrical Pressure Cooker Controller、Washing machine Controller、Bowl washer Controller and Disinfecting Cabinet Controller etc 。 Guangzhou landjet electric Co.,Ltd pursues the ideas of Human Oriented, Technology Innovation,Advantage Supplement,and Win-win Development, so as to furnish our clients with top products and Service 。