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advertising Bracket

作者:廣州森江電子有限公司 來源:senjiang 發布時間:2014-10-23 瀏覽:260

Although LCD TVs are much thinner than conventional CRT, but the weight is still there, if the installation is not good, there are still likely to fall from the wall, the consequences are serious. So much to choose an LCD TV hanging on the wall, the attention to the problem. First, choose an appropriate wall bracket is very important so that the top rack in the design calculations and must be rigorously tested many times, strength and durability with relatively secure. 
     Should note the following when choosing rack: 
1, a distinction LCD TV rack classification, pylons on the market is currently divided into fixed angle adjustable angle racks and racks. Adjustable angle rack generally can adjust the viewing angle Xpress (usually up and down to adjust the angle adjustment and stretching), fixed angle rack is a once installed it will be difficult to change the angle. Before you buy should be based on user needs their own choice. 
2, LCD TV LCD TV wall rack should guarantee under maintenance after installation, easy maintenance, without damaging the mounting surface, the mounting bracket of the premise, easy to disassemble. 
3, wall mounting bracket, fasteners and may adversely affect the safety, environmental protection and other metal parts must be securely welded or connections. And subject to rust treatment (such as spray, oxidation and other surface treatment), the use of other materials material should have sufficient anti-corrosion ability. 
  4, when buying wall-mounting bracket, and it clearly is included wall mount connection part (refer to the wall plate assembly), the product connection part (refer to hang arm assembly), the fastener section (refer to the installation accessory kit), installation diagram and operation Description (refer to installation diagram or manual). 
5, the use of a homemade mount, its carrying capacity should ensure that not less than four times the actual load weight. 
6, according to the survey, one in line with the international standard VESA FDMI organization pylons, costs 400-600 yuan, sub-standard rack costs only about 20 yuan. Some enterprises in order to save costs, to take jerry means making a simple rack, huge risk. So when buying pylons should carefully check compliance with international standards. Generally consistent with FDMI (video products stand suspension) standard rack design, using 45 made of high-quality steel, which is good pylons material.

上一條:LCD TV rack
下一條:LCD TV Mounts
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