TEKHUB PRECISION TOOLING CO LTD is located in XiaoLan Industrial Area of Zhong Shan City,the center of Guangdong Pearl River Delta,80 Kilometers from Guangzhou Interational Airport,and 80 Kilometers from HongKong International Airport.Easygoing transportation and living facilities are all around the company.The company is established in Sept 2009,3 million RMB as its registred capital,1500 square meters as its working area and tens of equipments for tooling manufacturing.
The key technical persons have more than 10 years of tool working experience and 3 experts are of more than 20 years of working experience in multinational tooling manufacturing companies .The company employs professional researcher for high-end tooling simulation and design. Also the company has good cooperation with Dept of Plasticity Technology,Shanhai jiao Tong University,Shanghai Research Institute of Tool & Die Technology and Sichuan University. Upon these availabilities,the company is confident of precision blanking,deep drawing and plastic injection moulding,ect.
TEKHUB believes in moral integrity first,bases on skilled personals and specially focuses on various stamping tools,injection molds and relative products,the company is looking forward to providing advanced tools,conformity products,attractive price and satisfied sertvices for our customers.
以德為先 以人為本
按時保質 求實創新
◆Company Culture
Believe in moral integrity,base on skilled persinals;
Timely ensure quality,practically create innovations
品質效益 持續改進
服務意識 客戶滿意
◆Quality Policy
Focuse on quality efficiency and continus improvement;
Satifying every customer and providing proper service from
each aspect of the company