訂貨電話 0755-25019878 15919996192 QQ:1439288807
詳細介紹:U盤是客戶作為禮品的{zj0}{sx}。歸屬中國小商品城 禮品網 電子禮品網 工藝禮品 U盤禮品 廣告U盤禮品,非常合適電子禮品,數碼禮品。U盤是目前做禮品{zh0}最有影響力市場最需要,客戶也最喜歡通用的一種電子數碼禮品。 U盤功能也很多可以做自動播放公司資料或者圖片,可以做防止刪除圖片或者資料,款式也很多,而且任意你想做你喜歡做的款式,而(U盤的內存有:512M,1GB 2GB 4GB 8GB 16GB 32GB等不同的兆數)。本公司產品質量保證!交貨準時!價格更便宜!服務更周到!
+86 0755-25019878
A detailed introduction: U disk is the best choice as a gift. Belonging to China commodity city gift nets electronic gifts &crafts usb gifts network advertising gift, very suitable U dish of electronic gifts, digital gifts. U disk is currently doing the best gift is the most influential market needs, and the general customers the most like an electronic digital gifts. Usb function also many can do automatic playback company information or pictures, can do to prevent delete picture or material, design also many, and you want to do any of the style do you like, but the memory (U disk, 2GB 1GB 512M: 16GB 32GB 4GB has different trillion), etc. The company product quality guarantee! Delivery on time! The price is cheaper! The service is more thoughtful!
For details, please login:
Telephone: 4006903696 customer
Mobile phones: 15919996192
0755-25019878 + 86
QQ: 1439288807
Welcome the new old customer to come the electricity consultation order! Look forward to your cooperation!!!!!!!!!!