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供應廣告扇 廠家直銷
供應廣告扇 廠家直銷
供應廣告扇 廠家直銷
供應廣告扇 廠家直銷
供應廣告扇 廠家直銷
供應廣告扇 廠家直銷

供應廣告扇 廠家直銷

供應廣告扇 廠家直銷 相關信息由 深圳新越禮品提供。如需了解更詳細的 供應廣告扇 廠家直銷 的信息,請點擊 http://www.zgmflm.cn/b2b/szxy518.html 查看 深圳新越禮品 的詳細聯系方式。



深圳市新越工藝禮品公司經工商部門核準登記的合法公司,成立于2004年,目前集生產銷售于一體的專業從事手機通訊/數碼/IT等相關產品配套掛繩掛帶,廠牌/工作證/會展證/獎牌徽章等產品配套掛繩吊帶于及贈品廣告用品/促銷品商務禮品和一般的生活小飾品的生產廠商,是企事業單位營銷策劃的{sx}合作伙伴.目前工廠擁有2100平方米生產廠房及專業技術人才和管理人才,設有印刷事業部,注塑事業部,合金飾品部,裝配事業部,質控保證部等。目前生產的產品有:手機掛帶,工作吊帶, 胸卡掛繩、證件掛繩 、展會掛繩 、廠牌掛繩、數碼掛繩等,U盤吊繩,EVA彈簧吊繩,手機袋,絨布袋 ,手機套,證件卡套,手機鏈, 手機檫 ,鑰匙掛件 ,塑料鑰匙掛飾 ,手機掛飾 ,手機座 ,登山扣 ,爬山扣,指南針, 伸縮扣,,PVC膠牌,硅膠手環,促銷禮品,,PVC/PU掛件飾品。 新越公司力求以良好的質量、合理的價格、誠信的服務,立足于市場,發展于市場;產品銷往世界各國、韓國,日本,中東,北美,南美,西歐,東歐,東亞,東南亞,非洲,港澳臺,大陸等市場。我們的專業,我們的誠信,我們在行業市場中的競爭力,為我們贏得了眾多gd客戶,其中有:Nokia 、motorola、Samsung、中國電信 、南方電網、中國移動、中國聯通、中國工商銀行、幫寶適、可口可樂、百事可樂、麥當勞、lb快遞等。   公司自創立以來一直嚴格按ISO9001國際質量體系管理保證產品品質,加上憑借自身多年豐富的經驗,雄厚的技術力量和優質的服務,贏得了廣大客戶的好評。希望在今后的日子里能得到更廣大業界朋友的支持和厚愛,攜手共創美好未來。 Shenzhen, the new technology more jewelry is a creative, design, production, planning to engage in one of the professional mobile communications / digital / IT related products, such as matching gifts and all kinds of jewelry supplies advertising / promotional materials and the general life of the production of small supplies operating as one integrated factories, enterprises and units is the preferred marketing partner. At present, the factory has a production plant 2100 square meters and professional technical and managerial personnel, with the printing business, injection molding division, the Department of alloy jewelry, assembling the cause of Department of the Ministry to ensure quality control and so on, the company's total number of nearly 200 people. Jewelry seek new technology to the more high-quality products, innovative design, reasonable price, good faith service, based on the market, the development of the market, providing customers with complete solutions for marketing gifts. Groups from the organs to their enterprises and institutions, through a beautiful and practical pieces of jewelry gifts of all kinds of effort to meet customer requirements for customer to enhance brand awareness, improve sales performance has played a positive role in promoting, at the same time to the customers left a good reputation and the credibility of the company to achieve rapid development. Since its inception the company strictly according to ISO9001 international quality system management to ensure product quality, coupled with many years by virtue of their experience, strong technical force and high-quality services, won the overwhelming majority of customers. I hope in the coming days will be broader support for the industry and love of friends, to join hands in creating a better future!
詳細信息 我也要發布信息到此頁面
材質 PP塑料(可定透明,磨砂) 厚度 60絲
此廣告扇尺寸為16x17cm 手柄外形 可定制各種樣子
手柄顏色 手柄通用顏色:蘭.綠.黃.紅.白.黑 扇面外形 方形.圓形.半形.橢圓.異形
扇面通用規格 按客戶要求(規格不同價不同)
鄭重聲明:產品 【供應廣告扇 廠家直銷】由 深圳新越禮品 發布,版權歸原作者及其所在單位,其原創性以及文中陳述文字和內容未經(企業庫www.zgmflm.cn)證實,請讀者僅作參考,并請自行核實相關內容。若本文有侵犯到您的版權, 請你提供相關證明及申請并與我們聯系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在線投訴】,我們審核后將會盡快處理。
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