熱撕燙畫加工廠 相關信息由 廣州東盈塑料包裝箱有限公司提供。如需了解更詳細的 熱撕燙畫加工廠 的信息,請點擊 http://www.zgmflm.cn/b2b/gzdy.html 查看 廣州東盈塑料包裝箱有限公司 的詳細聯系方式。
本公司座落在文明中外的歷史重鎮-番禺,成立于2010年,是一家專業生產熱轉印燙畫及印嘜的企業,本公司實力雄厚,主要合作伙伴有:Nike, Talbots, Disney, Justice, Cato, Speedo等一批國內外知名品牌企業,產品遠銷歐美、東南亞等國際及國內市場。
本公司擁有先進的機器設備和成熟的生產技術,充沛的生產能力, 且配套符合SGS檢測的相關儀器設備等等。公司的技術力量和嚴格的質量管理體系,可確保所生產的產品質量穩定、上乘,所有產品均采用進口環保材料制作,環保md、無甲醛、無重金屬成份,符合國際SGS標準、OEKO-TEX100的專業檢測機構認證。公司具務穩定而充沛的生產能力,月生產能力在500萬張以上。
Our company was built in 2010 & located in Pan Yu which is well-known all over the world . We are specialized in producing heat transfer label and printed label. We were authorized to produce the printing for some large branded companies like Nike, Talbots, Disney, Justice, Cato, Speedo etc .Of which are sold both in china market & Overseas such as Europe, USA, and Southeast Asia etc.
We have advanced equipments & sophisticated technology to fulfill the printing requirement for customers, which are compliance with SGS testing requirement. All oil paint material we bought were SGS &OEKO-TEX 100 certificated & they contain low toxic, low formaldehyde, low heavy metal, etc.besides, we have strong QC team & enough printing workers/experts to ensure we can produce over five millions of high quality printing labels per month.
聯系人:錢女士 經理