脫硝催化劑用鈦白粉(加鎢) 相關信息由 上海澎博鈦白粉有限公司提供。如需了解更詳細的 脫硝催化劑用鈦白粉(加鎢) 的信息,請點擊 http://www.zgmflm.cn/b2b/18721292956.html 查看 上海澎博鈦白粉有限公司 的詳細聯系方式。
上海澎博鈦白粉有限公司(原上海東鈦化工廠),始建于1971年,具有40年生產鈦白粉的歷史。2006年6月,公司從松江搬遷到金山區,現落戶在金山區第二工業區內。新建廠房30000多平米,占地面積120畝,總投資5億元,是上海地區由礦石至鈦白粉成品生產的企業。公司擁有先進的的全新設備裝置,年產50000噸,生產各型鈦白粉,廣泛適用于涂料,塑料,化纖,橡膠,油漆,油墨,食品,醫藥,造紙,搪瓷,陶瓷,焊條,電子等各個領域,是極具市場潛力的化工產品。 “白天鵝”注冊商標是公司的品牌,得到廣大用戶的認可和好評, 暢銷世界各地。
Shanghai Pengbo Titanium Dioxide Co.,Ltd (Former Shanghai Dongtai Chemical Plant), which was founded in 1971, has more than 40 years’ history in Titanium Dioxide production..
Our new plant is located in the Second Industrial Park of Jinshan Shanghai, moving from Songjiang District in June 2006, with a total investment of 500 millon CNY, enlarges the area into 80,000 sqms, with plant area as 30,000 sqms.
We are the sole manufacturer of Titanium Dioxide in Shanghai, with complete process from ilmenite to end product in Shanghai, Pengbo has a new set of equipment with an annual output of 50,000 tons, starting from ilmenite to end products of all kinds of top-ranking TiO2. For example, Rutile applied in pigment, ink, paper; Anatase applied in chemical fiber; food grade TiO2 ; high purity TiO2 and even micrometre TiO2 applied in cosmetic.
Our products are reputed both at home and abroad with excellent and stable properties, exported to over 50 countries, such as America, Germany, Spain, Holland ,Peru, Brazil etc. We are quite confident in our products and sincerely looking forward to our further cooperation !