南通天工電動工具有限公司籌辦于1997年,擁有專業的電動工具技術人才和銷售人員,具有多年的電動工具及配件出口經驗,安杰爾工具的品種達到數十種,包括單雙能電錘、雙功能電錘、角向磨光機、平板砂光機、砂紙機、石材切割機、型材切割機、木工修邊機、雕刻機、電磨、調速電鉆、電木銑、電鎬、電園鋸等,所用配件為NSK軸承/NMB/SKF等國際zmpp,德國巴斯夫工程塑料等均為gjpz配件,電動工具配件達10000多種,覆蓋了電動工具配件95%,我們的客戶遍布歐洲、中東、美洲、亞洲等二十多個國家和地區,我們提供OEM、ODM服務,安杰爾工具被評為“南通mp產品”,受到用戶的一致好評。年換貨率僅為0.2%,安杰爾致力于為專業客戶提供專業服務。我們生產的手電鉆、電錘 、角向磨光機、電磨、電圓鋸、石材切割機、修邊機、電鎬 在同行業中享有盛譽,產品出廠前都經過嚴格的檢驗和反復的測試,合格后方予出廠。
Nantong Tiangong Power Tools Co., Ltd come into existence on 1997 .We have professional power tools engineers and sales with perennial export experience. We have tens of model for power tools (like rotaty hammer,electric drill,angle grinder,electric forfex,marble cutter,trimmer ,router,chain saw,die grinder,circle saw,jig saw,demolition hammer,power planer etc.)and more than 8,000 thousands of spare parts to be the same with the tools of world brand. Our client are from Europe, America , Asia, Middle East etc. We supply OEM、ODM. Our products is “Famous Brand of Nantong” and received client’s recognition. Our target: supply a professional service to clients.