一、主要特點Main features
1、 中國北斗系統(COMPASS)定位功能;
China Beidou System(Compass)-Positioning function
2、 美國全球定位系統(GPS)定位功能;
US Global Positioning System(GPS)-Positioning function
3、 歐洲伽利略系統(GALILEO)定位功能;
European Galileo System(GALILEO)-Positioning function
4、 俄羅斯導航定位系統(GLONASS)定位功能;
Russia Global Navigation Satellite System(GLONASS)-Positioning function
5、 廣域衛星差分增強系統(SBAS)功能;
Satellite-Based Augmentation System(SBAS)-function
6、 船舶自動識別系統(AIS)功能。
Automatic Identification System(AIS)-Positioning function
DGPS就是差分GPS(Differential GPS)是在正常的GPS外附加差分改正信號,此改正信號改善了GPS的精度。差分定位(Differential Positioning),也叫相對定位,是根據兩臺以上接收機的觀測數據來確定觀測點之間的相對位置的方法,它既可采用偽距觀測值也可采用相位觀測值,大地測量或工程測量均應采用相位觀測值進行相對定位。
DGPS is Differential GPS,it’s appended to the differential correction signal outside the normal GPS,the correction signal improve the accuracy of GPS.Differential Positioning also means Relative positioning,it is the method of relative position between the observation point,which is determined according to the observation data of more than two receivers.It can be used Pseudo-range observations or phase observations,geodetic survey or engineering survey is used the phase observations to position.
SBAS 即Space Based Augmentation System (DGNSS/DGPS/WAAS/EGNOS) 是利用地球靜止軌道衛星建立的地區性廣域差分增強系統。
SBAS:Space Based Augmentation System(DGNSS/DGPS/WAAS/EGNOS) is a regional system,which is used Geostationary satellites(GEO) to establish.
Currently,The global SBAS system include:
1. 歐空局接收衛星導航系統(EGNOS),覆蓋歐洲。
European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service,Covering Europe.
2. 美國雷聲公司的廣域增強系統(WAAS),覆蓋美洲。
US Wide Area Augmentation System(WAAS),Covering America.
3. 日本的多功能衛星增強系統(MSAS),覆蓋亞洲。
Multi-functional Satellite Augmentation System(MSAS),Covering Asia.
4. 印度的GAGAN 127,128,覆蓋亞洲及印度洋。
GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation (GAGAN),Covering Asia and the Indian Ocean .
So,this receiver can be used in most parts of the world,and the positioning accuracy can reach 1 meter.